I will like to pretend in this site that I know you already, so I will tell you the truth about my line of business without exaggerations. If you are impressed feel free to join and become a professional poultry manager through this Blog.
Poultry business is a gold mine that can occupy a nations labour force due to its diverse sectors, so when starting a poultry farm, know that you cannot be all and all in the business so choose a sector.
- A poultry farm has various sectors that you can choose from to occupy yourself with, become a professional and start making money! Believe me! Real money. But with hard work. Training birds is not magical but it is systematically.
You can choose from the following varieties of departments. These are explained briefly, but in case you need a more vivid explanation or you want a personal training and international certification like I have presently, feel free to contact me on my email :, or call me 07064244995, 07085764809. or visit our head office{see contact us}. We will give you both practical and theoretical training and in case you are interested you can be employed to any of our clients poultry farms that we are currently handling. Remember all this takes hard work.
- BIRDS REARING: This is the most common type of poultry farming we have around, if you are a beginner I will advice that you start up from here. This is simply the rearing of poultry birds of various kinds and the selling them or using them for food. Check for the names of different birds, their present prices in the market for day old, 1month and five months respectively, their cost of feeding them to maturity and profits to be made with the present market prices under how to manage gain and losses. If you are already into poultry farming and you need personnel’s to double the profit range. Download our free e-book on how to double your income or contact us in case you need professional assistance, also if you want to know the exact market price of anything before you go and buy please send me a text message. In case you are a beginner contact us, to be of free assistance to you, meeting us on yahoo chat and you are free to ask any question for us to answer at any time you feel like through this mail, or call us on these mobile phone numbers 07064244995, 07085764809.more on this is buttressed under the topic managing poultry farming.
- INTEGRATORS: These are trained experts that are involved in meat processing in cartoons .they buy or rear chickens, butcher them neatly and then preserve them for sale in meat stores. If you want to be an integrator there are several training you must undergo, it is not that easy, you need to be registered with the appropriate bodies and believe me it is highly profitable, if you know how to do it. Now if you want to be trained under our company or you want us to guild you through your registration with the necessary government bodies without stress, you can contact us:, or call me 07064244995, 07085764809. or visit or head office{see contact us}.
- hatcheries: believe me when I say I am not exaggerating you can become a millionaire in poultry business with just 2 years but if you are into hatchery you will be into serious money in the space of a year, but this takes patience and hard work. This is the training of birds for the sole purpose of hatching their eggs. In this case you will need a machine incubator or a local incubator, I would have loved to teach you how you can make for yourself a local incubator but many persons I have taught through books and publications end up killing their eggs because they don’t know to regulate temperature.Sorry but I don’t want to be responsible for your loss. But if you want to invite us over to help you with that or you are interested in us teaching you face to face please contact us:, or call me 07064244995, 07085764809. or visit or head office{see contact us}. I don’t want to go into much illustrations but here is the bottom line a person who has an hatchery of about 400 matured birds producing eggs everyday should be prepared to be making a minimum of =N=200,000 every month
- Others: if you need training in any of these areas or you need information about them.try one of the contacts convenient to you to reach me
- Poultry medicine
- Poultry administrators
- Poultry builders and architects
- Poultry luminance and lighting
- Poultry feeds production {both locally}
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